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August 24, 2015

Fluffy Fuzzies Once Again!

I use Pom-poms (or fuzzies as we call them) for my classroom management. Students who earn 20 fuzzies can turn them in for a coupon. You can get freebie coupons like this one from Stories by Storie. Or make your own coupons. I do take away a fuzzy if students are not following our classroom rules. But...what I wanted to share happened upon me by accident. After a couple of years, my fuzzies were beginning to look icky. I would spray them with Lysol to kill the germs, but it just made them look so sad! 

The other night, I washed my apron and forgot that I had fuzzies in my pockets. I never saw them when I transferred them to the dryer.  After a good wash and drying time, they came out fluffy! They almost looked new. I decided to take the rest home and I washed and dried them in a lingerie bag. I have fluffy fuzzies once again! 


August 19, 2015

First Day of School Teacher Gift

I love giving a little something for my children's teachers on the first day of school. I nabbed these adorable school theme clips from Target One Spot. I also purchased the school theme gift bags. My favorite one is the wide ruled paper!  I simply added a yummy Starbucks gift card and created a tag to go along with the ruler, paper, and pencil theme. Easy Peasy! 

Click HERE for a free download

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August 17, 2015

Back to School!

It's that time of year...BACK TO SCHOOL!  
I found these cute Parent-Wish Jar on TPT created by Kimberly Gillow.  This is so sweet to ask parents to write down their wish for their children at a Back to School Night or Open House Event. I asked parents to write their address and students' names on an envelope I provided for them.  I read them afterwards, and I put them away for the school year. Ms. Gillow keeps them in a jar to reread them throughout the year. But I thought it would be neat to send their parents' wishes to the students during the summer. I decided for this school year to make my own to match my classroom theme. Enjoy! 
Here's a sample of a parent's wish to her daughter. I just simply folded it up and sent it with a card and the envelope my parent filled out at BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT.
Click here for the Zebra Print.

Click here to download these

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